Wednesday, July 09, 2008

28 Weeks

The baby and I have reached 28 weeks. The doctor said I was doing well this week. My blood pressure is good and I have gained a total of 21 pounds. I have about 12 weeks to go until B-day! I had to do the gestational diabetes test this week and I didn't pass the first one. I went back today for the second one and had to give blood 4 times. That was not fun. I will find out the results in a day or two, and if I've got it I'll let you know. Oh yeah, my belly button did pop out but not a lot!

Brian is off work for this month and he's been doing a lot of work at home. He is taking up the linoleum in the kitchen, dining room and laundry room. He's going to be finished with that by Friday! Then he is going to put down ceramic tile.


Jenny Henriksen said...

You look great!!! Hope you're feeling good as well. Good thing Brian is doing the work now because as soon as the baby gets here; neither one of you will have the time!

We love you and miss you,

Lisa said...

Thanks! I've been feeling pretty good too. Looks like Brian will have the tile done soon! I'm going to try to do as much as I can (or make Brian) before the baby gets here!!

incoherent said...

awww this is soooo CUTE!! i cant believe you've finally taken the plunge into motherhood. miss u terribly girl! Bolin isnt the same without your "he he he" :)