Monday, January 19, 2009

3 month photos

Okay, we went in to get one pose but you know how it goes...
This picture is actually a cropped picture because I'm not going to put Charles' naked rear on the internet (you can thank me some day, Charles). This is a picture that Daddy wanted.
This is the side view so you can see his dimple. He only has a dimple in his left cheek.
Here's all of Charles.
This picture is the reason why we wanted to get 3 month pictures. Brian's mom saved this outfit from when Brian got his 3 month pictures made while wearing it (in 1975). This is a similar pose and he wasn't smiling either. This is actually the first picture we took. The suit is 100% polyester and probably similar to the one-piece suits that were popular in the 70's. I think I saw Mr. Furley wearing one like it on Three's Company !)
Now here's the pose like Daddy's picture except it shows Charles' personality. He is such a happy baby and smiles a lot. It doesn't take much to get him smiling.

Thursday, January 08, 2009


Charles is teething now. He gets fussy every now and then but for the most part he just has been sucking his fingers more and drooling a river. I hope it doesn't get any worse than that.

Charles must have decided he doesn't really like his pacifier anymore. He used to want it several times a day, especially at nap time and bedtime. Now all of the sudden his thumb tastes better! He actually refuses to take the paci most days.

We switched bottles to ones that are called Dr. Brown's. We have been using them for a week now and I can tell the difference. Charles has less spit-up and gas. He seems to think they are just fine...he knows what "ba-ba" is when he sees it!

Happy Birthday Jenny!

Happy Birthday to Jenny (a little late!) I hope you had a great day! We love you!

Friday, January 02, 2009


Charles has outgrown the cloth diapers. I will have to buy the next size up. I tried several different types and the ones I like best were Swaddlebees all-in-ones with the BumGenius all-in-ones being second best. I tried Kissaluvs (which were nice but had to use a cover), Happy Heiny (same problem as Kissaluvs), and FuzzyBunz also. I did try G-diapers which are part cloth and part disposable. They were actually nice except when he pooped. Then it was just way to messy for me. The all cloth diapers were easier for me to deal with than the G diapers. Just thought I'd let you all know in case anyone wanted to try cloth diapers instead of disposables.