Friday, July 25, 2008

Ultrasound Baby Pictures

I added a link at the right so that you can view the pictures from the 4D ultrasound. Some of the pictures look the same, but I hope you enjoy looking at them.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hi everybody!

Hey, I've been noticing that people I don't know are actually looking at my blog because I've gotten a few comments. I didn't think anyone but my family and some friends looked, so I appreciate all of you checking it out. Thanks!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Baby Stuff

All of these pictures show things that Aunt Cathy found for the baby. Here are a few summer outfits she found.
Here's an extra large diaper holder that she found. Someone had made it and she found it at a garage sale. I don't know if I'm going to use it as a diaper holder but Aunt Cathy suggested I could put blankets in it.
Here are two blankets that she found. They are really pretty.

I have gotten so many things for the baby already! Mostly from several family members. I wanted to take pictures so that you all can see too. I only took a few pictures right now, so I will try to take more later when the house gets back to normal after tile and carpet are finished.


We went to Quartz Mountain for a mini-vacation. We stayed one night at the lodge, and it was Brian's anniversary gift to me. I'm sitting at the picnic table after we finished eating lunch. It was about 98 degrees but we were in the shade and had a nice breeze. We had sandwiches, chips and dip, carrots, and desert.
This is our view from the picnic table. I think we found a good spot.
Brian really wanted to get in a canoe so I went too. It was really hot and I didn't feel like paddling, but he had a great time. Afterwards, I made him buy me a sno-cone to cool off.
We stayed the night at the lodge and this is the view from our door. That night after dinner we enjoyed taking chairs out on the patio to look and the view and talk.
After dinner we also decided to take a short walk and look around. Here I am already tired and ready to go sit down. Seems like I get tired a lot more easier than I used to.

We had a great time and it was nice to get away for a couple of days. We've been talking about how it's already time to go again!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

4D Ultrasound

Here's a video of the 4D ultrasound that we got yesterday. It is just a video of everything we saw and it is about 25 minutes long. Brian's family (Jill, Alan, and Heather) went with us. We got to see the baby's face in 3D. We also saw his feet, arms, hands, and his boy parts. The 4D part is to see all of that while he is moving. So, sometimes the video shows him open his mouth to yawn or put his fingers or toes in his mouth. He was moving around a lot and covering his face up with his hands and feet. I guess he didn't want his picture taken! I think he has Brian's nose and lips. He might even have the dimple in his chin like Brian does. It's hard to tell, but he's already a cutie!! As part of the ultrasound we also get a website that you can look at pictures and make comments. I think I will just have the pictures there instead of trying to put all of them on here. That will be a lot of work! As soon as I get the other website figured out I will let you know. I hope you all enjoy a sneak peek at the baby!

Oh, and good news, I don't have gestational diabetes! Guess I shouldn't have eaten fruit loops and Welch's fruit snacks before the first diabetes test! Oops, it seems obvious now!!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

28 Weeks

The baby and I have reached 28 weeks. The doctor said I was doing well this week. My blood pressure is good and I have gained a total of 21 pounds. I have about 12 weeks to go until B-day! I had to do the gestational diabetes test this week and I didn't pass the first one. I went back today for the second one and had to give blood 4 times. That was not fun. I will find out the results in a day or two, and if I've got it I'll let you know. Oh yeah, my belly button did pop out but not a lot!

Brian is off work for this month and he's been doing a lot of work at home. He is taking up the linoleum in the kitchen, dining room and laundry room. He's going to be finished with that by Friday! Then he is going to put down ceramic tile.