Friday, October 06, 2006

My Furry Pets

All my furry pets are doing great! Sarah, the calico cat, is as fat as ever. When people come over to the house they comment on how fat Sarah is getting. Hey, she's been fat! The only time she was skinny was when I first got her, and she had tapeworms! She was so skinny I thought she was going to die. She didn't want to eat so I had to feed her beef broth through an eye-dropper. I was either nuts or I loved her!
Abigail is good, too. She's been wanting my attention a lot. It's so funny, but I will try to relax by doing this yoga & pilates DVD. So the lady on the DVD is saying very slowly and calmly, "Breath in and breath out. Feel the facial muscles relax...the jaw softens...feel your breath coming in--"
then I yell "Get away cat! I'm trying to relax!" Abigail wants to be right there next to me. I'm lying on the floor and she's rubbing her face on my toes, then on my hands. She's putting her face in mine. So this morning she was on the mat right next to my head. That's fine as long as she is not rubbing her face on my nose!
And Raddy...he goes outside when I try to do the yoga/pilates. Otherwise he'll sit there and stare at me while wagging his tail. If I close my eyes I feel him pawing at my arm. Anyway, he's still a great dog. He's my furry baby. I'm letting his hair grow out now. I have been getting his hair cut short for 2 years now and I wanted to see it grown out again. It's still short right now but it's growing.

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