Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Visit with the Texas Henriksens

Bath time! So much fun!

We tried to make Charles stay still for a picture with Henry and Emma but it just wasn't going to happen!

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Mamaw's Gift

Thank you for the gifts, Mamaw! Charles likes his bunny book and thank you for donating to others in need! We love that kind of gift and that is such a great thing for Charles to learn.

Christmas 2009

On Christmas Eve, Charles was "Santa's Little Helper" or at least that's what his shirt says. He barely had time to pose for this picture with GG-Ma and GG-Pa.

Get in the picture with Nana and Papaw!

Charles likes the snow. We got snow on Christmas Eve. For about 5 hours that morning we also lost power. But we just played with toys like always. Charles didn't seem to notice the lights were out.

We had birthday cake after Christmas dinner.