Saturday, November 15, 2008


Brian caught us sleeping! Doesn't Charles look so sweet?! Sometimes this is how we sleep at night because Charles doesn't like being on his back. He has acid reflux and starts to gag, cough and wheeze when he's on his back. So this works for us when we need sleep.
Bath time in the bathroom sink! Brian is so considerate--the towel is blocking the view in just the right area! Charles likes to take a bath. He doesn't play yet, but he doesn't cry about it much any more either.
Charles' first Halloween! This is the only outfit we managed to get on. It says "Guess whoooo's first Halloween" and has an owl on it. He is also wearing pumpkin socks. He received 3 other Halloween outfits but has yet to wear them.
I figured out how to rock him to sleep finally! I have to cover him from head to toe (which his face is only showing for the picture). Then I hold his head so it doesn't flop around; I rock him pretty fast, and pat his bottom or back. All the while I sing him a song. It usually puts him to sleep right away. Then we both sleep in the chair or sometimes I can get him to sleep in the swing.
Aha! I caught Brian and Charles sleeping! I get up at 5:30am and Brian takes over so I can get ready for work. Sometimes they sleep together and sometimes they talk.

Charles has been doing well in daycare. The two ladies are Marsella (Mar-Mar) and Danielle. They take good care of him. I've been told that a lot of times he likes to just sit and watch the other babies playing. They are also amazed at how well he can hold his head up. I'm adjusting going back to work and having him at daycare. I won't lie, it's hard right now and I basically have to talk myself out of quitting my job every morning. I've been told it will get better...

Charles is gaining weight well. Last check up he was 8 1/2 pounds. I can tell he's growing every day. He's started smiling now when we talk or laugh or smile at him. He can sometimes roll over one way when he's on his tummy. Every week we get visits from Sunni, and she is a Family Support Worker. She tells us what to expect developmentally from Charles and how we can help him. Overall, she is helping us to be better parents. It is a free program for parents. That's what is new for now!


Tobias Valdez said...

Hey Lisa,

Looks like things are going great for you three! We need to get over there and see you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need your email address if you don't mind. I'd like to send you an invitation to something you may be interested in. Anyway, my email address is, just drop me a line and I'll send you the invite.


Jenny Henriksen said...


Great pictures!!! What a handsome little man:) So glad he is liking his baths now. Hopefully, he'll grow out of the acid reflux-Henry had that as well and it finally went away after a few months. And we're really glad to hear that daycare is working out. We're all looking forward to seeing the three of you at Christmas!

Love you and miss you,

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family you have - and Charles is growing so quickly. Thank you for the blog - I love to see the pictures and keep up on the news. God bless --- Midge