I did go back to the ER this morning. I saw a different doctor who gave me a different medicine which is stronger (Prednisone). It looks like the antibiotic I was on for the mastitis has caused this. I was taking Bactrin (a sulfonamide). Plus I was taking a double dose! These are pictures of the worse right now. By this afternoon, the medicine was helping. My face is still red around my nose but there is no more swelling. My neck, chest and upper arms seem lighter. The burning/pins and needles feeling has mostly gone away. The itchiness is more tolerable now. My legs, lower arms, hands and feet, however, are still bad. In fact my hands look worse. The doctor said that the antibiotic takes a while to build up in the system so it may take a while to get out. I have to take the Prednisone for 5 more days and I see my regular doctor on Monday. I took an oatmeal soak tonight per Mamaw's suggestion. It felt better afterwards, but it seems like I might have had the water too hot. It got a little more red for a while. Also, I washed the baby bottles with hot water and my hands didn't do well after that either.
Well, I'll let you know how I'm doing. Hopefully, it will be good news tomorrow!
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