Thursday, January 08, 2009


Charles is teething now. He gets fussy every now and then but for the most part he just has been sucking his fingers more and drooling a river. I hope it doesn't get any worse than that.

Charles must have decided he doesn't really like his pacifier anymore. He used to want it several times a day, especially at nap time and bedtime. Now all of the sudden his thumb tastes better! He actually refuses to take the paci most days.

We switched bottles to ones that are called Dr. Brown's. We have been using them for a week now and I can tell the difference. Charles has less spit-up and gas. He seems to think they are just fine...he knows what "ba-ba" is when he sees it!

1 comment:

Jenny Henriksen said...

We used the Dr.Brown's as well and they seemed to help Henry too. Sorry that teething has started, but it is unavoidable. After the first few teeth it should get easier. And giving up the paci is a good thing--one less thing to have to give up later. Don't forget that those little fingers are flavored-vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry:)